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Nottinghamshire Chess Association Centenary Junior Invitational 2023

Darrera actualització28.11.2023 12:59:56, Creador/Darrera càrrega: nottschess

Llista del rànquing inicial

3Gunarathne, Senith343104324ENG1795West Nottingham
7Bahtiyar, Furkan26309238TUR1782West Bridgford
6Griffin-Young, Sebastian488151ENG1498West Nottingham
5Harrison, Nikolai343436617ENG1440Gambit
2Khudaibergen, Mariyam13784153KAZ1439Fernwood
8Handa, Yash343436447ENG1380West Bridgford
4Basnayake, Dinuga29941318SRI1259West Nottingham
10Babu, Rohan496200ENG1153West Bridgford
9Gunarathne, Miheli343409504ENG1053West Nottingham
1Orehhov, LeoENG0West Bridgford