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Juegos Deportivos Estudiantiles Categoria U12 - U14 Fase Departamental TABLERO 2

Last update 26.10.2023 16:48:53, Creator/Last Upload: BOLIVIAN FEDERATION OF CHESS

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Starting rank list

1Baptista M., Anahy A.BOL0Colcha K
2Barro F., VanesaBOL0Caripuyo
3Bolivar R., Nohelia I.BOL0Tupiza
4Ckacka C., DanielaBOL0Potosi
5Condori T., ElenaBOL0Acasio
6Condori T., Maciel R.BOL0Tinguipaya
7Farfan C., Natali M.BOL0Esmoruco
8Matias C., JasminBOL0Cotagaita
9Montes G., EmelynBOL0Uncia
10Quispe H., Heydi M.BOL0Porco
11Rodriguez P., Sofia E.BOL0Villazon
12Vargas V., SolangeBOL0Chaqui
13Villca O., BeatrizBOL0Betanzos