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Vezerkepzo GM Christmas 2023

Last update 03.01.2024 15:10:33, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 22

Starting rank list of players

3FMPanesar, Vedant35033018IND2445
5GMBerczes, David722960HUN2438
10FMIlinca, Felix-Antonio54764998ROU2423
2FMVaz, Ethan25940783IND2400
8GMNeverov, Valeriy14100150UKR2394
1FMDudognon, Thibault20675569FRA2392
6GMVarga, Zoltan700509HUN2378
7IMSai, Krishna G V5028280IND2371
9FMTancsa, Tamas783749HUN2337
4CMDau, Khuong Duy12424722VIE2299