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I Liga de Ajedrez Nirmus, Edicion Blitz, Jornada 2.

Last update 23.10.2023 04:34:13, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2021)

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Starting rank

1AFMBravo Sandoval, Giovanni5127378MEX1787Colima
2Perez, Ponce Alejandro29628741MEX1378Colima
3Murillo, Bernal Hector Rodrigo29628393MEX1233Colima
4Murillo, Bernal Gael Mauricio29626838MEX1156Colima
5Bravo Sandoval, ChristianMEX0
6Garcia Palacios, JesusMEX0
7Montiel Arbaiza, JorgeMEX0
8Murillo Gaspar, HectorMEX0
9Sanchez Gomez, Miguel AngelMEX0