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Osu Rapid Chess Championships

Posledná aktualizácia 21.10.2023 19:27:46, Creator/Last Upload: Ghana Chess-Federation

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Štartová listina

1Ameku, Philip Elikem12600326GHA1858
2Fomevor, Cephas Clinton12601330GHA1828
3Anhwere, Bernard12600580GHA1818
4Frempong-Smart, Daniel12601659GHA1752
5CMThompson, Edward Nii Lamptey12600113GHA1739
6CMSosu, Edward12600385GHA1732
7Ameku, David Selasi12601179GHA1711
8AIMOnuoha, Wilson12602213GHA1680
9Murara Urwintwari, Ian16000145RWA1672
10Amenorpe, Vitus12602540GHA1571
11Aikins, Dwamena Akenten12601322GHA1546
12Arko-Dadzie, George Kweku12600156GHA1545
13Maxwell, Kwasi Kporxah12602604GHA1428