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2nd Baybridge Junior Chess Championship U18&12

Seinast dagført21.10.2023 14:47:48, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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1Aahil, AmarshiTAN0U12
2Ambreen, KaurTAN0U12
3Anahi, ShahTAN0U12
4Arthava, RaoTAN0U12
5Hemattreya, JamdarTAN0U12
6Kailash, PartheebanTAN0U12
7Khaliya, LaljiTAN0U16
8Mahi, ShahTAN0U18
9Mohammed, LakhaTAN0U16
11Prisha, ChhedaTAN0U18
12Veeraj, MehtaTAN0U12
13Santo, BarthTAN0U12