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2nd Baybridge Junior Chess Championship U10&8

Posledná aktualizácia 21.10.2023 14:51:00, Creator/Last Upload: vinaytz

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1Aaliyah, Amarshi0TAN0wU8
2Aarav, patel0TAN0U8
3Alayna, Lalji0TAN0wU8
4Chael, Nouidui0TAN0U10
5Deeksha, Partheeban0TAN0wU8
6Harini, Shameer Doshi0TAN0wU10
7Izel, Le Boulh0TAN0U10
8Kayal, Nirmalkumar0TAN0wU10
9Mishka, Gandhi0TAN0wU10
10shivaan, jog0TAN0U8
11Sophia, Dawoodbhai0TAN0wU8
12Vihaan, Mehta0TAN0U8