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Last update 28.10.2012 10:41:52, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 9)

Starting rank list of players

1IIStan Andrei-MihaitaROU1384Cs Palatul Copiilor Buzau
4IIJancso BalintROU1185Css Odorheiu Secuiesc
6IIBerechet Stefan-MarioROU1184Cs Vointa Buzau
5IILavric TeodorROU1141Clubul Municipal De Sah Speran
3IILavric PaulROU1128Clubul Municipal De Sah Speran
8IIBornaz Alexandru-StefanROU1104Cs Palatul Copiilor Buzau
7IIIVisan Dragos-CezarROU1017Cs Vointa Buzau
2Vica Teodor-AndreiROU1001Cs Vointa Buzau