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1 19/10/2023 19h30
2 20/10/2023 19h30
3 21/10/2023 09h
4 22/10/2023 09h
5 22/10/2023 15h
6 27/10/2023 19h30
7 28/10/2023 14h
8 28/10/2023 20h
9 29/10/2023 09h

IRT Piaui Paralelo 64 2023

Darrera actualització29.10.2023 21:30:10, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FPIX

Llista del rànquing inicial

3Farias, Edilsom5245214107817581937
5Silva, Ronnyel Carlos Cunha561692274726517331878
10Lima, Eduardo De Sousa627932278476419191874
6Fernandes Neto, Vitorino Orthiges676562279156615621870
1De Souza Junior, Luiz Carlos M702414470843216111867
2Sales, Luis Carlos4013213617117141845
4Dos Santos, Joao Paulo M675364474348318121819
8Sousa, Gerson Tajra746004472158715391786
7Mangueira, Ricardo Cronemberger679742279347013731761
9Do Nascimento, Joao Batista579602275737615071715