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Place: Chess Club St. Ignatius School tal-Handaq Qormi
Registration starts at 9am
Tournament 1 of Grand Prix 2023-2024

Chess Arena U14 Oct 2023

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony05.11.2023 21:09:39, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

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1Stellato, Adrian5604869MLT1477St Theresa Ta' Paris
2Portelli, Matthew5604931MLT1305St Theresa Ta' Paris
3Thorne, Carl5604486MLT1141St. Michael St. Venera
4Thornton, Hayley5602637MLT1055Rabat Middle
5Bonello, Nathan George5604699MLT0Savio College
6Borg, Luigi5603099MLT0St. Paul's Missionary College
7Briffa, Zachary5604737MLT0MVPA Hamrun
8Chircop, Jerome Anthony5605121MLT0San Anton
9Ellul, Thomas5605300MLT0St. Michael St. Venera
10Gusarov, Mark Mikhail5604311MLT0Verdala International
11Pace, Dante5604206MLT0Handaq Middle
12Rivaux, Ryan5605318MLT0Rabat Middle
13Silvio, Zach5604648MLT1188St. Michael St. Venera
14Vella, Wayne5604613MLT0St. Michael St. Venera