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III Torneo Infantil de Ajedrez Copa Cesar 2012 AJEDREZ CLASICO

Last update 21.10.2012 20:50:13, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Fernandez Zapata WilliamCES01373
2Daza Galvis Alfredo RafaelCES01306
3Castro Sebastian JoseCES01284
4Palomino Luis FabianCES01240
5Ariza Arciniega Luis MateoCES00
6Daza Andres EstebanCES00
7Fernadez Juan EstebanCES00
8Fonseca Ochoa JorgeCES00
9Restrepo Murgas Mateo AlejandroCES00
10Rueda Calderon MateoCES00