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Hari Sukan Negara - Kejohanan OKU Rapid Kategori Fizikal 2023

Senast uppdaterad15.10.2023 06:43:36, Creator/Last Upload: Genius Chess Learning Center

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1Mohd Afif, Ainul Mardhiah35824719MAS1530LD
2Ab Rahman, Muhd Ikmal Faiz5731844MAS1358PHY
3Mohd Afif, Abdur Rahman35824808MAS1276LD
4Ahmad, Mohd Azanni35814683MAS1267PHY
5Mohd Suki, Ieuseuf Hafiz35823151MAS1220LD
6Mohd Afif, Muhd Danish Arif35824727MAS1133LD
7ACMMohd Ibrahim, Muhd Idris5750954MAS1128PHY
8Mohd Afif, Aishah35824816MAS1086LD
9Ganeson, Saktiananthan35827750MAS1054PHY
10Aibiddin, Siti SyarifahMAS0PHY
11Mariappan, RathekaMAS0DF
12Mohd Nasri, Muhd Syamil FaiqMAS0LD
13Mohd Nor, Muhd Salehuddin35826991MAS0PHY
14Mohd Suki, Ieahiea HasifMAS0LD