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Urmia Rated Chess Tournament 2012/10/10 - 2012/10/17

Last update 18.10.2012 08:01:47, Creator/Last Upload: IA maghsoud giahy

Starting rank list of players

8GMGolizadeh AsgharIRI2467
10Golmohammadi ElyasIRI1951
2Golmohammadi HadiIRI1903
3Abbasi HosseinIRI1875
9Mollaghassab AmirrezaIRI1635
11Asghari KarimIRI0
7Hassanzadeh Rezayi FarshadIRI0
12Maamand ArsalanIRI0
5Nosratnezhad FarhangIRI0
6Salimi Silabi HasanIRI0
1Shirbegi MansourIRI0
4Vaezi RasoulIRI0