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Elichess 2023 October Rapid Open

Posledná aktualizácia 07.10.2023 21:12:53, Creator/Last Upload: Ghana Chess-Federation

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Štartová listina

1Ameku, Philip Elikem12600326GHA1858
2Fomevor, Cephas Clinton12601330GHA1828
3Anhwere, Bernard12600580GHA1818
4AIMOnuoha, Wilson12602213GHA1680
5Mawuli, Richardson12602736GHA1652
6Kpan, Deckalet Mario Prosper20800339CIV1624
7Aikins, Dwamena Akenten12601322GHA1546
8Mawutor, Richardson12602787GHA1496
9Pissama Ntsaou, Martial17400864GAB1430
10Acheampong, Dave Quansah Chief12602280GHA1421
12Afatsawo, SelasieGHA0
13Ntsaou Moubikou, Josue Cyriaque17400872GAB0
14Pissama Ntsaou, Diva Sara17400880GAB0
15Shankar, ArunGHA0
16Singh, Manoom12603155GHA0
17Acheampong, Jedidiah Nana Osei12602680GHA1316