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2023 Barbados National Female Chess Championship

Seinast dagført19.10.2023 04:36:57, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

3WCMFigueroa, Julissa7300450BAR1689
10Wilson, Hannah11104600BAR1660
1WCMBlackman, Katrina11100540BAR1634
8Reifer-Belle, Chanon11105186BAR1482
4Moore, Gaybrianna11103760BAR1393
7Eversley, Kiarra11103426BAR1346
5Lovell, Alesha11104260BAR1086
6Leslie, Heather11107111BAR0
9Padmore, Shernelle11107138BAR0
2Springer, Leshay11105690BAR0