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First Saturday IM October 2023

Last update 17.10.2023 19:46:08, Creator/Last Upload: Brindza Istvan IA

Starting rank list of players

2FMBashirov, Kemal14183650UKR2384
6IMIssa, Rafat7600437JOR2316
1IMSzeberenyi, Adam710466HUN2308
10GMIlincic, Zlatko900346SRB2304
7FMAditya, Varun Gampa45066183IND2254
8FMVarga, Csaba Zoltan724335HUN2235
4FMLeszko, Bence769070HUN2218
3Ajay, Santhosh Parvathareddy25998676IND2197
5FMBalint, Vilmos718050HUN2183
9Chubakov, Sultan13803468KGZ2069