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The Friday Knight Jam is a weekly Blitz tournament organized by the Liberia Chess Federation with the purpose of keeping chess activities alive.

Friday Knight Jam October 6 Edition

Posledná aktualizácia 07.10.2023 00:24:55, Creator/Last Upload: LCF_National

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Štartová listina

1Joel, O. Ebiekuta22600671LBR2029
2David, Leroy Debblay22600876LBR2019
3FMBarcon, Harmon22600078LBR1984
4Wallace, O. Williams22601058LBR1947
5Kennedy, Zinnah Kengo22600647LBR1925
6FMJacob, Jallah22600124LBR1885
7CMAbraham, Kalokoh22600264LBR1845
8Foday, W. Kondoh22600167LBR1824
9Sambola, Kemo K.22600043LBR1818
10CMDaniel, Kolliemelen22600086LBR1804
11Alex, Wenyou22602356LBR1769
12Elijah, Saah22600779LBR1757
13Abigail, Karyah22601147LBR1690
14Archie, Dayyeah22601244LBR1683
15Joe, Warwo22602348LBR1682
16Georgina, Sackie22601708LBR1649
17James, Bedell22600590LBR1609
18Samuel, Williams22601368LBR1576
19Mitchell, Jacobs22601465LBR1561
20Philip, Tarpah22602690LBR1496
21Elijah, Thomas22602496LBR1433
22Harris, Zubah22602208LBR1430
23Matthew, Page22602364LBR1315
24Dmentrous, Gizee22601457LBR1289
25Montel, Moses22602470LBR1229
26Abraham, Judges22601473LBR0
27Bedell, BenjaminLBR0
28Browne, LynnLBR0
29Emmanuel, Gbotee22602623LBR0
30Harris, FranklinLBR0
31Junior, Taylor22602569LBR0
32Vensuah, Obe LLBR0