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Nacional Activo Sub16 Femenino

Last update 07.10.2023 23:27:49, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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1Melgarejo Suarez, Ariatna Valentina4443799BOY1583wMagnus Tunja
2Bonilla Barreiro, Maria Jose4472659VAL1559wRicaly
3Valencia Lopez, Greissy Sofia4449304CAQ1504wUniamazonia
4Lopez Mahecha, Natalia4492471TOL1462wFormando Talentos
5Lara Aguirre, Maria Camila4488164TOL1357wLa Dama Y El Rey
6Yatacue Perdomo, Ciara Marcela4479696CAU1247w
7Susunaga Duran, Madelen Fernanda4488067TOL1290wFormando Talentos
8Fontecha Pastrana, Laura Sofia144407769BOY1262w
9Galindez Guerrero, Tania Isabela4460839HUI1252w
10Riano Espinoza, Laura Sofia4488342CUN1192wPioneros Del Ajedrez
11Diaz Bobadilla, Laura Juliana4488415CUN1166wDoble Jaque Fomeque
12Cotrino Torres, Lineth Sofia144409338CUN0wDoble Jaque Fomeque
13Ibarra Ramos, Laura Manuela144428332HUI0w
14Munoz Hoyos, Maria Antonia144415273CAU0w
15Silva Erazo, Brenda Sofia144428340HUI0w