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47th Guernsey International Chess Festival - Blitz Tournament

Posledná aktualizácia 30.10.2023 13:41:16, Creator/Last Upload: Guernsey Chess Federation

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Štartová listina

1IMGrieve, Harry426520ENG2319
2GMGormally, Daniel W406465ENG2522
3GMArkell, Keith C400270ENG2327
4Santos, Joao Artur Almeida1905910POR1719
5CMRowe, Peter10700099GCI1989
6Strade, Arita11603437GCI1818
7Dijksterhuis, Rolf1006452NED1872
8Downey, Keith10700250WLS1766
9Nevska, Gerda10700366GCI1858
10Steinbergs, Viktors11605197LAT1674
11Kirk, Matthew10700145GCI1702
12Hertog, Alexander488453ENG1692
13Dam, Karsten1094068NED1665
14Goman, Colin10700170GCI1851
15Rowe, Oliver10700226GCI1541
16Royle, Nick343408796GCI1506
17Dam, Pjotr1096249NED0
18Hill, Jonathan10700390GCI1559
19Van Ree, Thailo40102181NED0
20Walker, Elmira343434169ENG0
21Rijsdijk, Peter40101410NED0