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Liga Uruguaya de Ajedrez - Torneo Femenino 2023

Last update 22.10.2023 23:53:13, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

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Starting rank list

1Alves, Anaclara3014002URU14881624wEste
2Castro, Sofia3019314URU13651433wEste
3Araque, Silvana3017729URU12171449wMontevideo
4Quintela, Sol3013030URU11571372wLitoral
5Costa, Milagros3018750URU11491307wMontevideo
6Costabel, Emma3014258URU11000wLitoral
7Farias, Martina3021165URU10100wMontevideo
8Diaz, Hiara3023540URU00wLitoral
9Diaz Sandes, Lilyana3018040URU00wNorte
10Escaris, Lara3023680URU00wEste
11Faber, Julieta3020630URU00wLitoral
12Fripp, Ariadna3022340URU00wLitoral