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Eswatini Private Schools Chess Festival C 2023

Վերջին արդիացում01.10.2023 11:35:41, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

Search for team Որոնում

Աղյուսակ` ըստ դասակարգման (Մ)

ՏԹիմ1234567891011 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Living Waters Primary School * 333443344422350
2Enjabulweni Primary School1 * 34334444420340
3Project Canaan Primary School11 * 12433341525,50
4Ubombo Primary School103 * 222344415250
5Hlanganganani Primary School0122 * 132331319,50
6Montessori Primary School01023 * 22311180
7Usutu Forest School International10121½ * 341117,50
8Sifundzani Primary School10½1221 * 3331016,50
9Khanyisile Primary School00101 * 48150
10Jabulile Primary School0010121½ * 35100
11Premier Primary School0000110101 * 240

Լրացուցիչ ցուցանիշներ:
TB1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
TB2: points (game-points)
TB3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints