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Torneo Primaveral 60+30 a 7 rondas.
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Torneo Primaveral Instituto Balseiro

Last update 01.10.2023 22:12:05, Creator/Last Upload: FADA – Comision Tecnica Argentina

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Starting rank

1Hutt, Alejandro Gabriel104973ARG1999
2Belmonte, Adriel141577ARG1864
3Spoturno Ghermand, Alejandro152692ARG1757
4Alvarado Contin, Omar Hernando3128788CHI1717
5Tapiola, Esteban Luis20025009ARG1646
6Medero Mino, Leon20027290ARG1341
7Medero, Hildo Rodrigo20029098ARG1136
8Arcos La Rosa, Simon20027168ARG0
9Blanco Ferrenti, AgustinARG0
10Marquez, BrunoARG0
11Pauchek, MykytaARG0
12Schaller, Facundo Emilio20032919ARG0