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TATA 50th National Premier & Zone 3.7 Chess Championship 2012

Darrera actualització14.10.2012 11:58:35, Creador/Darrera càrrega: All India Chess Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1GMAdhiban B.IND2564PSPB
2GMSethuraman S.P.IND2553PSPB
3GMGopal G.N.IND2544PSPB
4GMLalith Babu M.R.IND2540PSPB
5GMSengupta DeepIND2539PSPB
6GMDeepan Chakkravarthy J.IND2523TN
7GMKunte AbhijitIND2518PSPB
8IMGrover SahajIND2516DEL
9IMVenkatesh M.R.IND2511PSPB
10GMArun Prasad S.IND2510PSPB
11IMVidit Santosh GujrathiIND2501PSPB
12GMVaibhav SuriIND2494DEL
13GMNeelotpal DasIND2485PSPB
14IMSwapnil S. DhopadeIND2459Rlys
15IMSatyapragyan SwayangsuIND2456AI
16IMDebashis DasIND2454ORI
17GMSundararajan KidambiIND2450PSPB
18GMBarua DibyenduIND2429WB
19IMSaptarshi RoyIND2419Rlys
20GMThipsay Praveen MIND2418MAH
21FMGhosh DiptayanIND2415WB
22IMKarthikeyan P.IND2401PSPB
23FMRajesh V A VIND2395TN
24IMSwayams MishraIND2393ORI
25WGMGomes Mary AnnIND2381WB
26IMSuvrajit SahaIND2362Rlys
27Sagar ShahIND2352MAH
28FMAnurag MhamalIND2349Goa
29G. AkashIND2343TN
30IMLahiri AtanuIND2332LIC
31IMPraveen Kumar C.IND2330Rlys
33IMMurali Krishnan B.T.IND2329Rlys
34Bitan BanerjeeIND2326WB
35Krishna C.R.G.IND2326AP
36Shashikant KutwalIND2307Rlys
37Ram S. KrishnanIND2303TN
38Karthikeyan MuraliIND2299TN
39Ravi Teja S.IND2288AP
40FMAravindh Chithambaram Vr.IND2276TN
41Arindam MukherjeeIND2265Rlys
42Phadke SohanIND2247MAH
43Abhilash Reddy M.L.IND2242AP
44K. Praneeth SuryaIND2201AP
45Patil PratikIND2197MAH