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54th Rhyl Chess Congress 2023 Minor U1600

Last update 24.09.2023 17:52:23, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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Starting rank list

1Richards, Steve1597Wrexham
2Babington, James1590Rhyl & Prestatyn
3Chadaway, Stephen M1586Olton
4Price, David P1584Crewe
5Harper, Michael J1582Gambit
6Lloyd, Gregory1582Wales
7Amos, Bob1578Prescot & Knotty Ash
8Rush, Steve1563
9Slegg, Gary1553Wrexham
10Coutts, Catriona1538
11Sadler, Paul1535Wrexham
12Fox, Matthew1491Leamington
13Coleman, Patrick N1490Lytham St Annes
14Gretton, Margaret L1483Gambit
15Weldon, James1469
16Wilson, Steve R1467Telepost (Shrewsbury)
17Lysons, Chris1464Eccles Community
18Coutts, Peter1448
19Matthias, Matthew1444Wrexham
20Spackman, Lee1443Alsager
21So, Ingmar1436JNorthwich Junior Chess Club
22Harold, Lawrence1430Eccles Community
23Foy, Jeff1398Altrincham & Hale
24Broderick, Paul G1333Newport (Shropshire)
25Crew, Philip R1314Rhyl & Prestatyn
26Hynes, Thomas F1302Urmston
27Parry, Susan F1208Holywell
28Tarjanyi, Reuben1176
29Baan, Radha1150Hertfordshire *
30Lynch, Rory1118Frodsham
31Garnett, Stephen1071Rhyl & Prestatyn
32Murray, Bobby905JKidsgrove
33Altmann, Daniel0J
34Fernandez-Arias, David0
35Fernandez-Arias, Leo0
36Flannery, Jaden0J
37Graham, Geoff0
38Mealor, Dave0Cheshire & N Wales *
39Prichard, Finn0J
40Russell, Matthew0
41Williams, Adam0
42Williams, Stephen0