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Last update 12.10.2012 00:49:57, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Mejia Garcia Michelle4408608COL1995
2Dominguez Laura Lucia4416848COL1972
3Gonzalez Andres Felipe4416864COL1946
4Cadavid Juan Miguel4418930COL1933
5Fiesco Valentina4406257COL1909
6Quinonez Garcia Santiago4408497COL1879
7Zuleta Juan Carlos4416317COL1866
8Argote Heredia Valentina4431022COL1856
9FMPolanco Brayan Arley4408896COL1850
10Murgueitio Juan Camilo4430980COL1848
11Rodriguez Sofia4406176COL1823
12Mesa Brenda Sofia4406346COL1818
13Galvis Selene4411889COL1802
14Ribero Guillermo Andres4423208COL1799
15Ruiz Agudelo Santiago4408934COL1784
16Agudelo Pedro Luis4427564COL1743
17Varela Maria de los Angeles4408810COL1666
18Viveros Mariana Yibeth4416996COL1659
19Calero Hector Andres4430930COL1650
20Soto Hincapie Emmanuel4421736COL1632
21Cardoso Jaidy Marcela4421426COL1611
22Llano Buritica Eduardo4423151COL1589
23Cayon Laura Valentina4430840VAL1576
24Viveros Erica Johana4416988COL1535
25Amado Andres Felipe4430735COL0
26Amado Jhon Esteban4425510COL0
27Avila Pavas Santiago4437128COL0
28Aza AlejandraCOL0
29Aza Miguel AngelCOL0
30Cardoso Cardoso Jose Gabriel4430492COL0
31Carvajal Carlos David4430778COL0
32Cayon LauraCOL0
33Chavez Brayan StevenCOL0
34Echeverry Nicolas4422651COL0
35Giron Jaramillo Valentina4430670COL0
36Gomez Juan Pablo4419472COL0
37Martinez Cristian Camilo4427386COL0
38Mondragon Harold Andres4422660COL0
39Mora Carlos Eduardo4425600COL0
40Moya Dylan DavidCOL0
41Naranjo SamuelCOL0
42Norena Derly Jiseth4430859COL0
43Perez V. Maria Jose4417178COL0
44Pineda Arroyave Oriana4421450COL0
45Restrepo Borrero Mateo4421655COL0
46Rojas Hernandez Santiago4427416COL0
47Sanchez Correa Juan Camilo4427459COL0
48Santofimio Vega Andres Camilo4428919COL0
49Velasco Julian DavidCOL0
50Velasquez Juan DavidCOL0
51Viveros Clara Vanessa4416970COL0