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Check-N-Mate Chess Tournament (Open Section)

Last update 17.09.2023 11:04:44, Creator/Last Upload: Savitri Joshi

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Starting rank

1Rosh Jain,IND2248
2Akshat Negi,IND1652
3Aarit Kapil,IND1473
4Krishikaa Garg,IND1441
5Atharv Vohra,IND1320
6Yuvika Sehgal,IND1298
7Aditya Jain,IND1284
8Rakshit Batra,IND1265
9Arti Kapoor,IND1173
10Umang Goyal,IND1122
11Bhavya Seth,IND0
12Horry Kr.Yadav,IND0
14Parth Verma,IND0
15Piyush Sharma,IND0
16Rahul Suri,IND0
17Sarvagye Talwar,IND0
18Vishesh Khurana,IND0