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CXC - III Interno 2023

Last update 17.09.2023 04:37:44, Creator/Last Upload: Fexerj

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Starting rank list

1Isac, Araujo De Oliveira FilhoBRA1988Cxc
2Juan, Pablo de Carvalho BezerraBRA1925
3Carlos, Magno Pinto MonteiroBRA1729Cxc
4Gustavo, FariaBRA1498
5Gabriel, Sader De AlmeidaBRA1275Cxc
6Eduardo, Sader De AlmeidaBRA10Cxc
7Gabriel, Augusto Almeida da SilvaBRA10
8Luiz, Otavio Cunha de AlmeidaBRA10
9Paulo, Cesar Cardoso AraujoBRA10
10Wallace, Luciano de AlmeidaBRA10