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Turnamen Catur Universitas Terbuka Gorontalo 2023

Last update 14.09.2023 13:19:30, Creator/Last Upload: FIDE-TEST VERSION 3

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Starting rank

1Agus Deluhula,INA0Dispora
2Aidin MN,INA0Perkim
3Aji Pombo,INA0SMA N 1Gorut
4Aripin Pomalingo,INA0BPN
5Azis Abdullah,INA0Polres Gorut
6H. Ramli Otuhu,INA0Baznas
7Haeril,INA0Dinas Pendidikan
8Herman Kaharu,INA0Kec. Kwandang
9Leksi Gobel,INA0Kesra
10Mad Bahsoan,INA0DKP
11Mahfudin Kaharu,INA0MTs Alkhairat Kwandang
12R. Paki,INA0Bag. Umum
13Ramang Rahim,INA0RS Zus
14Rizal Nusu,INA0Pudam
15Roni Madi,INA0UT
16Samsudin Bahu,INA0Kec. Atinggola
17Sultan Pombo,INA0DKP
18Muhlis Rahim,INA0Kec. Sumalata
19Un Nusi,INA0Bag. Umum
20Yasir M. Pidu,INA0UT
21Yos Pomalingo,INA0Perkim
22Anis Mohamad,INA0Kesra