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QCA Training Center- U10 Tournament-September 2023

Last update 15.09.2023 15:54:51, Creator/Last Upload: Qatar chess association (License 1)

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Starting rank

1Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Al-ThaniQAT
2Abdulla Ghaith AlkuwariQAT
3Adam AboukershAUS
4Ajlan AlkaabiQAT
5Alim Mustafin KAZ
6Amer AlhammadiQAT
7Annliya SajanINDw
8Christopher Redd JoPHI
9Enoch Ayomide BolorunduroNGR
10Faisal Al BoininQAT
11Hamad Al ThaniQAT
12Hamad JafariUSA
13Hashim EidehJOR
14Haya Al HussainQATw
15Iris HazimKGZw
16Iyad Basil KhaderQAT
17Lujain IbrahimQATw
18Mohamad AbdullahIRI
19Natasha PunchihewaSRIw
20Ranga SujayIND
21Rashid AlfahadQAT
22Reina DaoudNZLw
23Sarah SalhaFRAw
24Sultan AlawadhiUAE
25Yanal BataJOR
26Yash SuvarnaIND
27Yasmine AichIRLw
28Yiduo WangCHN