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2023 Jordan Seniors Chess Championship Վերջին արդիացում23.09.2023 18:56:23, Creator/Last Upload: Royal Jordanian Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | IM | Mansour, Sameer | 8100144 | JOR | 2184 |
2 | | Mamoon, Hamdan | 8101671 | JOR | 1905 |
3 | | Al-Zoubi, Issa | 8101086 | JOR | 1886 |
4 | FM | Awawdeh, Fayez | 8100721 | JOR | 1858 |
5 | IM | Hafez, Bakr | 8103607 | JOR | 1802 |
6 | | Naiem, Mousa | 8100250 | JOR | 1792 |
7 | | Ahed, Al-Saqqa | 8104697 | JOR | 1773 |
8 | | Malik, Swedan | 8101744 | JOR | 1738 |
9 | | Abed Almunam, Hmoud | 8101299 | JOR | 1688 |
10 | | Murad, Bino | 8102406 | JOR | 1559 |
11 | | Khalil, Al Kraiti | 8125465 | JOR | 1452 |
12 | | Natheer, Kamal | 8106770 | JOR | 1319 |
13 | | Yahya, Alquran | 8116504 | JOR | 1204 |
14 | | Khaled, Qandeel | 8113815 | JOR | 1050 |
15 | | Jamil, Alemrayat | 8128375 | JOR | 0 |