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IX Obert del Maresme 2012

Last update 01.12.2012 20:37:15, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 344)

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Starting rank list

1Font Purroy VicençCAT2226CAT
2Ruiz Molina GabrielCAT2086CAN
3Bimbati Gian CarloCAT2083CMA
4Franch Guiral RamonCAT2083CAN
5Duran Gutierrez Juan LuisCAT2076CMA
6Gisbert Mir AlfonsoCAT2075ICL
7Rosa Pernia MarioCAT2071CAN
8Vizcaino Marin Jose LuisCAT2071LCO
9Maynat Diaz Jose AntonioCAT2054CAN
10Castillo Martinez EloiCAT2039LLV
11Andiñach Carrasco JavierCAT2029VEC
12Santos Ramos CarlesCAT2018CIR
13Gomez Avenza XavierCAT1976VLS
14Gonzalez Moreno AntoniCAT1970CMA
15Perez Ruiz SantiagoCAT1965CLF
16Ten Gomez SergiCAT1960CLL
17Garcia Garcia CandidoCAT1938CAN
18Ribalta Bertran EsteveCAT1938GRA
19Olive Alier TomasCAT1900SJO
20Bertran Cequiel JordiCAT1878MAT
21Pacheco Jimenez Jose RamonCAT1878CAN
22Llopis Jordan LluisCAT1873VLS
23Gonzalez Rodriguez DamianCAT1865CMA
24Gonzalez Saguillo OriolCAT1864CMA
25Florit Ballester EnricCAT1863VLS
26Maynat Anglas JosepCAT1833CAN
27Novell Andinyac MiquelCAT1811VLS
28Molina Villen FranciscoCAT1797CAN
29Gomez Girones FerminCAT1794VLS
30Salicru Pages Francesc X.CAT1767CAN
31Perea Cano JavierCAT1766PIN
32Puig Vila EsteveCAT1746CLL
33Ventura Vives PereCAT1741VLS
34Sanchez Saez SalvadorCAT1740CMA
35Garcia Pitarch RaulCAT1721MAT
36Berbel Gutierrez J.GuillermoCAT1715CMA
37Lozano Barrera EmilioCAT1713VLS
38Freixa Rofastes ErnestCAT1709ARG
39Alabart Paytubi JosepCAT1700CMA
40Martin Salguero DavidCAT1700CMA
41Orts Gonzalez RafaelCAT1700SMA
42Vera Domingo SalvadorCAT1700CLL