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Last update 03.10.2023 15:24:55, Creator/Last Upload: Caissa Eventos

Starting rank list of players

3Natalia Cristina Ernesto, Da Silva604485BRA1800Guaxupé-Mg
6Manuella Vitoria Camargo, De Azevedo315007BRA1800Guaxupé-Mg
2Livia Isabelle De Carvalho, Esteves316387BRA1800Guaxupé-Mg
5Maria Eduarda Barbetta, Silva316292BRA1800Guaxupé-Mg
1Amanda Duarte, Soares316376BRA1800Guaxupé-Mg
4Lais Aparecida Ribeiro, Do Nascimento314775BRA1770Guaxupé-Mg