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Northumberland Championship Gilroy 2023-24

Darrera actualització25.04.2024 08:54:17, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Lara Barnes IA

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Rànquing inicial

1Morgan French3130621696Forest Hall
2Dave Peardon1034371686South Shields
3Andrew Robinson2490171683Gosforth
4Mark McKay1928331679Gosforth
5Alex K Blake1561491640Gosforth
6Jeff Baird1558961623Forest Hall
7Denise M Mosse1158941615Gateshead
8David Pritchard3012881590Gosforth
9David Simm3426961562Morpeth
10Kevin Cox1803981558Gateshead
11Robert Heyman1046861547Gosforth
12Andrew Hardy3449211473Alnwick
13J Robert Appleby1747241473Leam Lane
14Joseph E Miller3125531462Leam Lane
15Albert Griffiths3419801438Gosforth
16Jonathan Solomon3287211433Forest Hall
17Steve Downey3522321360Leam Lane
18Alan Johnson3585190South Shields
19Lev Drobiazko3579700Gosforth
20Ethan Tatters3434941536Forest Hall
21Aaron Cheung3261611371Gosforth
22Gautham Sathishkumar00Gosforth
23Sanjay Sathishkumar00Gosforth