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Takaanini Junior Blitz Tournament Sat. 09-Sep-2023

Last update 09.09.2023 06:48:46, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Lab

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Starting rank list

1Alzaid, AymaanNZL0
2Candy, NathanNZL0
3Candy, SophiaNZL0
4Carson, TerenceNZL0
5Chandra, AnshNZL0
6Clarito, EthanNZL0
7Clarito, LiamNZL0
8Gao, AustinNZL0
9Gao, RayNZL0
10Gross, BethanyNZL0
11Hem, DerickNZL0
12Hem, JadenNZL0
13Kachroo, ZorinNZL0
14Khanna, ViaanNZL0
15Kim, JayNZL0
16Kim, ShawnNZL0
17Singh, ArshveerNZL0
18LI, Hanxiao LucasNZL0
19Misa, DanielNZL0
20Sachdev, PrithviNZL0
21Zen, EugeneNZL0