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Autumn Rapid 2023 - Novice Section

Posledná aktualizácia 10.09.2023 21:50:52, Creator/Last Upload: CICF

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Štartová listina

1Bird, JeremyCAY0
2Dcunha, SivaanaaCAY0
3Dimitrova, LiaCAY0
4Echague, Leeian MackenzieCAY0
5Graham, DezCAY0
6Hurlstone, JakCAY0
7Joseph, AvivCAY0
8Lopez, JuanCAY0
9Majid, ZaraCAY0
10Mascolo, ChristopherCAY0
11Mcclenaghan, AbbieCAY0
12Moore, ChristianCAY0
13Moore, MatthewCAY0
14Niranjan Patil, Anvita33100446CAY0
15Rasch, JulianCAY0
16Rayos Del Sol, GabrielCAY0
17Russell, LeeCAY0
18Russell, XanderCAY0
19Sant'ana, DiegoCAY0
20Schofield, BrockCAY0
21Sperandeo, RobertCAY0
22Strommer, VincentCAY0