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September 3 Blitz

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.09.2023 09:29:13, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

Search for player Szukanie

Lista startowa

1CMPrudente, Elmer31000690GUM2002
2Justo, James Marcus31002544GUM1675
3Santos, Almer31000398GUM1601
4Kim, Junesun31001661GUM1362
5Tiurin, Yaroslav31001769GUM1290
6Justo, Alexis Rian31002951GUM1281
7Napora, Gable31003060GUM1248
8Benzon, Tiffany31001564GUM1231
9Javelosa, Jayce Caleb31002897GUM1212
10Grossley, Gabriel31003265GUM1178
11Combs, Noah31000711GUM1164
12Mereb, Paulo31002960GUM1154
13Panzo, Jezreel31003338GUM1150
14Casas, Caleb31003699GUM0
15Combs, Esther31001599GUM0
16Javelosa, James Cyril31003362GUM0
17Lopatyuk, Leo31003753GUM0
18Paul, Chandler31003761GUM0