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Vereins Turnier 2023/2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony10.01.2024 02:17:55, Creator/Last Upload: Northsea

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1Behnk, Rolf4617924GER2192
2Visser, Dirk4662148GER1993
3Kurzynsky, Mirko4688406GER1877
4Lund, Holger12950890GER1496
5Friedrichsen, Hans Hermann12968609GER1459
6Thomsen, HeikoGER1422
7Pöppel, KurtGER1403
8Jortzik, TobiasGER1378
9Quint, Kristopher-Antonius16258193GER1241
10Hartge, Ulrich Dr.-1172
11Knudsen, Max Leon34629467GER979
12Knudsen, Frank34643893GER972