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Congratulations to Jamie Farrugia & Milena Stagno, joint Women's Champions 2023.

Malta Women's Chess Championship 2023

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony22.10.2023 20:18:54, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

1WFMFarrugia, Jamie5600898MLT1555
9Stagno, Milena5602289MLT1425
5Wang, Yunlong5604281MLT1194
6Portelli, Martina5601851MLT1006
3Azzopardi Frantz, Chloe5603994MLT0
7Borg Mercieca, Elena5603870MLT0
2Borg, Valentina Emilia5605040MLT0
8Buttigieg, Julia5604435MLT0
4Miceli-Farrugia, Ella5605032MLT0