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Buscando a Carlos Torre SUB-15

Last update 02.09.2023 22:47:48, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation

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Starting rank

1Robledo Flores, Emanuel5181755MEX1721
2Aimee Alejandra, Banda ValadezMEX0
3Almanza Villanueva, Lucero EstefaniaMEX0
4Antonio Guerrero, RodrigoMEX0
5Bernardo Zarate Lopez, PabloMEX0
6Bravo Alavarez, Ruben CamilMEX0
7Escobedo Vidales, CesarMEX0
8Esparza Castro, EverardoMEX0
9Espinoza Rodriguez, DarioMEX0
10Franco Pérez, Gonzalo EduardoMEX0
11Galicia Silva, SaulMEX0
12Hernandez Ramirez, Nestor GabrielMEX0
13Llevat Loera, Diego AleixMEX0
14Lopez Ortiz, Lluvia NohemiMEX0
15Martinez Morales, Carlos AlbertoMEX0
16Martinez Romero, MiguelMEX0
17Medrano Gonzalez, DerekMEX0
18Molina Castro, HazielMEX0
19Pérez Bárcenas, ValeriaMEX0
20Ponce Salas, Carlos AndresMEX0
21Puente Cortes, ValentinaMEX0
22Rivera Jáuregui, AlexisMEX0
23Rivera Jauregui, Danna YaretziMEX0
24Romero Compean, AaronMEX0
25Salas Fraga, SantiagoMEX0
26Soto Arriero, Cesar ArturoMEX0
27Valentino Montes, SebastiánMEX0