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2023 Welsh Seniors Championship Posledná aktualizácia 10.09.2023 19:10:03, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | Batey, Richard | 1800906 | WLS | 2044 |
2 | | Morris, Charles F | 1800140 | WLS | 2029 |
3 | | Miles, Richard | 1801139 | WLS | 1967 |
4 | | Saunders, Walter N. R. | 1800442 | WLS | 1943 |
5 | AGM | Van Kemenade, Rudy | 410942 | WLS | 1934 |
6 | | Davis, Lee | 1801325 | WLS | 1927 |
7 | | Adams, Mark | 1800400 | WLS | 1898 |
8 | | Havard, Gwyn | 1805428 | WLS | 1848 |
9 | CM | Hughes, Anthony | 1803093 | WLS | 1838 |
10 | | Phillips, William | 414344 | WLS | 1819 |
11 | | Thomas, Mark | 1801791 | WLS | 1724 |
12 | | Van Kemenade, Julie | 402796 | WLS | 1670 |
13 | | Quinn, Peter | 1805460 | WLS | 1645 |
14 | | Thomas, Roy | 1803190 | WLS | 1641 |
15 | | Hurn, Robert Aj | 1801929 | WLS | 1544 |
16 | | Morgan, David | 154023318 | WLS | 1524 |
17 | | Dodington, Russell H | 1800264 | WLS | 1435 |
18 | | Cooke, Mark | 1804812 | WLS | 1413 |