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U20 "GIRIYUJA" Gisyo Champions Juniors

Last update 01.09.2023 01:02:25, Creator/Last Upload: Burundi chess federation

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1Arakaza, DiansonBDI0
2Bukuru, BruceBDI0
3Butoyi, Jean De DieuBDI0
4Igiraneza, BerthineBDI0
5Igiraneza, KennyBDI0
6Irakoze, CynthiaBDI0
7Irishuye, BertrandBDI0
8Irumva, Prince EishaBDI0
9Itangakubuntu, FaniellaBDI0
10Iteriteka, JescaBDI0
11Mucowimana, FranckBDI0
12Muhimana, ShalomBDI0
13Ndikumana, Don DuvalBDI0
14Ngendakumana, ThamimBDI0
15Nishimwe, ChristalBDI0
16Nshimirimana, CollinBDI0
17Nyishu, JeissaBDI0
18Uwimana, BenithaBDI0