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3rd Sikkim University Chess Tournment

Last update 29.08.2023 12:51:22, Creator/Last Upload: A B CHOUDHURY

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Starting rank list

1Aranck Veer Kunzang,IND0Psy
2Amit Kumar,IND0Law
3Anil Khatiwara,IND0zoology
4Anit Baidhya,IND0Botany
5Divyanand Rai,IND0physics
6Gaurav Rai,IND0eco
7Krishna Karki,IND0Edu
8Latrence Gurung,IND0P.E
9Monica Lakandari,
11Nimkit Lepcha,IND0T
12Padam Chettri,IND0geology
13Prabha Gurung,IND0Sociology
14Purkit Lepcha,IND0T
15Royal Lepcha,IND0P.E.T
16Sheetal Sharma,IND0Psy
17Shail Chettri,IND0physics
18Smriti Rai,IND0P.E
19Sourish Das,IND0Micro
20Sunil Hang Subba,IND0Eco
21Thandup Namgyal Tsh. Bhutia,IND0physics
22Yanki Lama,IND0English
23Zoeden Lepcha,IND0Lepcha
24Sovan Dutta,IND0non teaching
25Sumitra Chettri,IND0ksu