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Tournoi Zoe Center

Last update 27.08.2023 18:57:43, Creator/Last Upload: ljmuller84

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Starting rank list

1LAMOUR, BregenetHAI1800
2JEAN, WithsonHAI1748
3SIMEON, FrantzlorHAI1726
4JEAN-BAPTISTE, StevensonHAI1700
5LOUIS, Charles WolfHAI1700
7JOSEPH, GisnerHAI1650
8Etienne, Jean WilsonHAI1600
9CHARLES, BolonneHAI1500
10EMMANUEL, JonideHAI1500
11JOSEPH, VanessaHAI1500
12LOUIS, Charles SamuelHAI1500
13THEODOR, JeffersonHAI1500
14PIERRE, Abidan ElicharmaHAI1300
15DUBISSON, KerryHAI1299
16LAMOUR, ChristHAI1200
17Pierre, AbiyoudHAI1200
18LAMOUR, ZallieHAI1100