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Nori International Blitz 2023 Վերջին արդիացում09.09.2023 16:01:28, Creator/Last Upload: Nauru Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | սեռ |
1 | GM | Christiansen, Johan-Sebastian | 1512668 | NOR | 2545 | |
2 | | Dabuae, Thubalkain | 22400192 | NRU | 1848 | |
3 | CM | Dube, Rene | 22400010 | NRU | 1741 | |
4 | | Dabuae, David | 22400079 | NRU | 1694 | |
5 | | Taleka, Jed Selu | 22400117 | NRU | 1684 | |
6 | FM | Depaune, Ricko | 22400044 | NRU | 1663 | |
7 | | Vorbach, Mike | 22400338 | NRU | 1611 | |
8 | | Halstead, Richie | 22400052 | NRU | 1568 | |
9 | | Dabuae, Ryker | 22400230 | NRU | 1534 | |
10 | | Maharaj, Yash Krishen | 11402504 | FIJ | 1380 | |
11 | | Ellison, Jeremy | 22400575 | NRU | 0 | |
12 | | Raentoa, Mareweia | 22400583 | NRU | 0 | |
13 | | Ruaiti, Roking | 22400613 | NRU | 0 | |
14 | | Schroder, Anine Alvear | 1583999 | NOR | 0 | w |
15 | | Spanner, Obrian | 22400451 | NRU | 0 | |
16 | | Star, Alexai | 22400281 | NRU | 0 | |