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Palau Reserves Chess Championship 2023

Վերջին արդիացում03.09.2023 11:35:50, Creator/Last Upload: Palau Chess Federation

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Arciaga, Jayson16602536PLW0
2Barredo, Louie16602587PLW0
3Gunayan, Rox16602382PLW0
4Kuczma, James16602609PLW0
5Ledgerwood, Ronald Keith16602528PLW0
6Licon, Zachary16602560PLW0
7Magno, John Oliver16602579PLW0
8Mendoza, Persues16602544PLW0
9Schirling, Austin16602595PLW0
10Talamayan, Mc Mosi Iniego16602412PLW0
11Ziermer, Benjamin16602552PLW0