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Palau Chess Championship 2023

Senast uppdaterad08.10.2023 19:16:05, Creator/Last Upload: Palau Chess Federation

Lista över spelare

1Morazo, John Ranel5203791PLW2189
2Tan, Santiago Jr16601661PLW1840
3CMMontel Jr, Cyril Tomas16600037PLW1823
4Salvadora, Angelo16601491PLW1678
5Palingcod, Samuel16601831PLW1567
6Mahor Jr, Manuel16600100PLW1564
7Escapatoria, Gonzalo16600177PLW1563
8Macasaet, Neph16601211PLW1498
9Navarroza, Glen16600533PLW1425
10Aguaras, Jello16601815PLW1421