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Kellogg's National Junior Chess Championship 2023 - G14

Վերջին արդիացում20.08.2023 14:18:49, Creator/Last Upload: Maldives Chess Federation

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Aminath, Sara Haleem16701232MDV1060
2Aishath, Aika16702026MDV0
3Aishath Ayra Imran,16704940MDV0
4Aishath Fauzaa Ibrahim,16704959MDV0
5Aishath, Isha Ismail16702409MDV0
6Aishath, Thuga Ali Shafeeq16702581MDV0
7Aishath, Zara Shiyam16703529MDV0
8Aminath, Amna Sira16701224MDV0
9Amrah, Ibrahim Nasyh16702387MDV0
10Anaya, Mohamed Solih16701542MDV0
11Easha, Ibrahim Shifau16701143MDV0
12Fathmath, Zoya Hassan Saeed16702204MDV0
13Minha, Binth Ahmed16703537MDV0
14Thuqa, Hussain Mohamed16703502MDV0