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National Women's Championship 2023

Last update 22.08.2023 02:57:03, Creator/Last Upload: SAMUEL BARAKAT

Starting rank list of players

7Callender, Jessica19700547GUY1325
1Shariff, Sasha Christina19700687GUY1263
2Lall, Anaya19701527GUY1164
5Alphonso, Adia19701870GUY0
3Clement, Ciel Desiree19702124GUY0
6Couchman, Aniyah19701683GUY0
10Harrison, Chelsea19702728GUY0
4Johnson, Waveney Oshanna19701004GUY0
8Joshi, Aditi Narayan19702647GUY0
9Ton-Chung, Italy19701713GUY0