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Torneo Departamental de Profesionales Antioquia 2012

Last update 28.09.2012 04:24:23, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Lotero FaiberANT2177Los Titanes
2Zapata Cuartas Juan CarlosANT2120
3Garces JavierANT2010
4Alvarez AlfonsoANT1997
5Ossa VladimirANT1963Los Titanes
6Bustamante RobertoANT1904
7Perez Arroyave DamianANT1894Paul Keres
8Arroyave Jhon JairoANT1889
9Restrepo HugoANT1726
10Estrada WalterANT1725
11Pineda Zapata UrielANT1707Paul Keres
12Rodriguez Alvarez Norbey AIANT1697Medellin Chess Club
13Morales AlvaroANT1632
14Londono DiegoANT1616
15Calvache Juan GuillermoANT1612
16Cardona Ciro AbelardoANT1557
17Varela AlbeiroANT1539Paul Keres
18Velez FranciscoANT1538
19Arbelaez OmarANT1536
20Zapata Sanchez Harvey AntonioANT1533Medellin Chess Club
21Diaz Jaramillo Jaime OrlandoANT1355Paul Keres
22Alvarez JairoANT0
23Arenas Victor HugoANT0
24Gomez Giraldo Luis ArmandoANT0
25Ortiz JhonANT0
26Patino JavierANT0
27Ramirez Montoya Jorge AANT0
28Salcedo GustavoANT0