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2023 Central Bank of Barbados (CBB) July Blitz Championship

Seinast dagført30.07.2023 00:20:09, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

Search for player Leita


1IMHusbands, Orlando11101644BAR2212
2Greenidge, Kevin11100192BAR2029
3FMCorbin, Philip11100036BAR1985
4Lynch, Kemp11101377BAR1955
5Herbert, Allan11100206BAR1789
6Barker, Michael11100079BAR1600
7Wilson, Hannah11104600BAR1511
8Reifer-Belle, Chanon11105186BAR1481
9Wilson, Louis11104368BAR1450
10La Touche, Cyprian11104651BAR1396
11Roachford, Adam11104627BAR1378
12Terence, Melvin11104694BAR1109
13Farley, Jeremiah11106972BAR0
14Reifer-Belle, Chaz11105291BAR0